

Research on Key Technologies of High-precision Seismic Exploration in Liaohe Oilfield Land-water Transition Zone

Zhou Luyang
Land-water transition zone includes paralic zone and onshore transition zone(water network area). This paper studies the key technologies of high-precisionseismic exploration in land-water transition zone in the Liaohe Basin. In field seismicdata acquisition, as a result of complex surface structure, it needs different stimulatinglithology and different geophone characteristics. The seismic wavelets from the land,marshes and water are different, and the data has different qualities and inconsistentphase. Because of profiles with the poor continuity of event, low signal to noise ratio,low resolution, imaging difficulties and changed structural shape in the transition zone,the dynamic characteristics of reflection wave field can not be used directly inreservoir inversion and hydrocarbon prediction. Conventional surface structureinvestigation techniques can not be carried out in the water network area, resulting inlack of clear understanding of the surface structure, making static correctioninaccurate and residual static correction difficult to achieve. Second, the conventionalwavelet approach can not correct the differences brought by excitation and reception,or even creates a false impression, which will lower the resolution. At the same time,the complex characteristics of underground structure make conventional stack andpost-stack migration methods can not accurately imaging. Based on the geological and geophysical characteristics of complex land-watertransition zone of Liaohe oilfield, this paper systematically carries out research on keytechnology of high-precision seismic acquisition and data processing, and a set oftechnology suitable for the land-water transtion zone is formed. (1) Research on fine survey methods of complex near-surface characteristics.With the conventional investigation methods of the surface structure is limited, theunderground structure can not be learned more about. In the investigation of complexsurface structure, the one-time molding cables are used for micro-loggingg surveying,and the well depth is designed point by point, and the results are explained by thesoftware. So the surface rocks partition can be divided in details, and the tomographicimaging techniques are used to solve the near-surface model structure, which providesdetailed information for the fine static correction. And the statics is calculated using adatabase-based refraction method to static correction on 3-D shot point and detectionpoint, residual statics is acquired according to velocity analysis iterations to doresidual static correction. (2) Technology of high-precision seismic acquisition. For the special surfaceconditions of land-water transition zone, the optimal excitation lithology, depthcombined excitation have been researched, according to the near-surface survey data.By studying the special surface structure of transition zone, different types ofgeophones are used to receive. For difference of data caused by different geophones,the anti-combined filtering is studied to reduce this difference and improve theresolution. (3) Research onconsistent processing technology. Surface consistentprocessing usuallyto the consistency processing of the amplitude, frequency,phase and so on, which includes surfaceconsistent phase correction,surfaceconsistent amplitude compensation,surfaceconsistent amplitude correction,surfaceconsistent wavelet processing techniques. Due to the large lateral changes of thecomplex surface, the energy and frequency between sources and traces in differentparts vary much, and consistency is terrible. Usingconsistent amplitudewmpensation processing technology on the one hand can eliminate this difference, onthe other hand, may alsosignificant suppression effects to wild value.Application of surface consistent deconvolution (common source points,commonreceiving points) technology is able to compress the wavelet and eliminate the surfacefactors impact on the amplitude, wavelet, and improve the quality of profiles. In thecomplex surface areas, the results of single-channel deconvolution (such as pulse,predictive deconvolution) are unsatisfactory usually, mainly because in theauto-correlation time window, each trace contains different proportions of interference(such as wild value, surface wave, etc.), resulting different auto-correlation functionand different deconvolution operators among traces, as a result, the results ofdeconvolution filtering vary considerably Surface consistent deconvolutionprocessing can compensate for the deficiencies of this single-channel deconvolutionand get better processing effect. (4) Research on high-fidelity noise suppression technology. The very complexsurface conditions in land-water transitional zone area, underground fracture, and thedevelopment of small structure, make the seismic data have low signal to noise ratioand low resolution features. By studying the characteristics of various de-noisingmethods, and analyzing the processing results of actualdata,and selecting theappropriate method of noise suppression, we can achieve the suppression andattenuation of high-fidelity random noise, regular noise, and improve the signal tonoise ratio of seismic data in land-water transition zone. (5) Research on high-precision seismic wave imaging technology As theregional structure is complicated and the longitudinal 'and lateral velocity changerapidly, the pre-stack time and depth migration is very difficulty to be applied. Inresponse to these characteristics, the research based on the curved-rayamplitude-preserved pre-stack imaging technology is proposed. Through the actualprocessing analysis and study, a suit of modeling methods suitable for complexstructures areas is obtained, that is time domain interpretation-depth domain model-depth domain explanation double domains interface cyclical iteration, and the initialvelocity-depth model is established, so that pre-stack migration imaging achievesgood results. Based on the above research results, high-precision acquisition and processing iscarried out in water network area of Liaohe Oilfield, as a result,the quality of data inland-water transition zone is proved and the imaging precision is raised, Only in theDamin tun area 67 new traps is found, the total area of traps is 213.6km2.More thanone hundred tons of oil has been reserved in many drilling, such as Shen 625, Shen229, Shen 629, Shen 262.etc. The outturn of crude oil is maintaining the leave of1.26×106t. The better economic and society benefit has been got.



Marine Geophysics

Liu Huaishan


