

Real Time Evaluation on Physical Property of Reservoirs and its Fluids in Deep Layer Clastic Rocks Jiyang Depression

Deng Meiyin
As technology advances, deep-seated oil and gas reservoirs have become thefocus of exploration in the eastern part of our country, while this type of oil and gasreservoirs has features of complex reservoir, complex oil and gas bearing property andmultiplied affecting factors. It has great difficulties for in time discovery andevaluation on oil and gas, and the interpretation coincidence rates for oil and gaszones are low. Conventional logging methods generally give qualitative estimation onreservoir and fluid but it is hard for them to give quantitative descriptions. Realizingfast and accurate evaluation on reservoir and fluid is an important subject of oil andgas exploration and development work. With the continual acceleration of exploration,there is an urgent need for logging to give real time evaluation on reservoirs fast andprecisely on site, yet it is a blank both at home and abroad to have a comprehensiveon site fast evaluation method with high academic standards and application values. Aiming at characteristics of deep layer reservoirs and fluids in Jiyang Depression,based on site logging data, we carried out analytical studies on wells with hole depthof greater than 3504m from different blocks. Firstly we carried out NMR loggingmethod study. Using real time conventional logging data and NMR new loggingtechnology to conduct fast identification and evaluation on deep layer reservoirs, wecarried out deep researches on true and false oil and gas shows and influencing factors;under the basis of calibration and treatment, we carried out deep layer fluid evaluationto form deep layer clastic rock reservoir real time evaluation standards, methods andtechnologies. The main research topics are two aspects concerning real time identificationand evaluation on reservoirs and fluids For real time identification and evaluation on reservoirs: under the basis ofconventional logging for cuttings, cores and sidewall sampling, drilling time logging,carbonate content logging, and gas logging, we carried out NMR logging methodstudies and conducted plentiful basic experiments and field applications. It isdiscovered that there are three kinds of NMR relaxations in cutting samples: thesurface relaxation, molecule self-diffusion relaxation and fluid relaxation, of whichthe surface relaxation has the closest relationship with physical properties of rocks.Single pore relaxation of cores/cuttings can be treated as single index relaxation; thetotal relaxation is the accumulation of these relaxations. Test duration and sampleproperties such as lithology, rock sample grain size, sample granularity, pore fluidproperty, wetting property, susceptibility as well as water salinity have significantinfluence on T2 spectrum. There is rich information in NMR T2 spectrum. Accordingto the peak shape location of T2 spectrum of the saturated rock sample, amplitudeheight, shape of the peak, numbers of peaks, reservoirs can be fast identified andqualitatively evaluated. By direct measurement and calculation, parameters such asreservoir porosity, movable fluid and binding fluid saturation penmeability and poreradius distribution can be got to realize quantitative evaluation on reservoirs. Studies on real time identification and evaluation for fluids are carried out fromtwo aspects: (1) Fluid Identification: for oil and gas zone identification, we mainlystudies on various logging data to get characters of hydrocarbonzones on logging data. According to features of gas logging methance relativepercenttage,tank top gas light and heavy hydrocarbon relationship and number ofcomponents thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph componentcompleteness, main peak carbon location and shape etc., it is possible toidentify oil and gas zones. Gas logging equivalence ratio is another major method foroil and gas identification. For water-bearing identification, it is mainly throughcomparison of NMR logging fresh sample T2 spectrum and soak sample T2 spectrumto identify whether the formation is water-bearing. On the chromatograph elutioncurve of thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph logging, undistributedsubstance is increased, the baseline rise up and the heavy components increase; ininlet and outlet conductivity logging, features of reservoir water content can be got. (2)Fluid evaluation is mainly conducted for carrying out studies on crude oil property,pay zone type and productive capacity. Many methods such as gas logging methane relatively percentage,quantitative fluorescent index for oiliness, rock thermaldecomposition light and heavy hydrocarbon ratio exponent, and tank top gascomponent empirical formula can be used for crude oil density evaluation, of whichquantitative fluorescent index fox oiliness is the most simple, the most reliable and the most widely used one. Through studies on this subject, we (1) established a real time reservoir evaluationmethod based on logging new technologies such as NMR, etc., presented the newcomputing formula for permeability and computing formula of pore structureparameters, realizing fast quantitative evaluation on reservoir pore structures. (2)Established logging data treatment process and method, integrating a variety ofmethods such as thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph spectrum,comprehensive logging equipment inlet and outlet conductivity, NMR fresh sampleand soak sample correlation spectrum etc to realize formation water bearing real timeidentification and evaluation. (3) established deep-seated clastic rock reservoir fluidreal time evaluation method and technology series.



Marine Geophysics

Zhang Jinliang


