This paper will analyze Korean verb‘po-ta’in the actual meaning of Language Communication. And the next will explain the significance of choice and the form of Chinese counterparts.Cognitive linguistics, originating from 1970s, emphasizes that linguistic ability is closely correlated with cognitive ability. Chapter two is to analysis meaning of Korean verb‘po-ta’in terms of cognition and the purpose is to clarify cognitive process. This is a summary of the theory. First the paper set up the most abstract basic meaning of perception verb‘po-ta’in order to prove‘po-ta’is polysemy.‘Po-ta’types of verb is that the eyes of a visual object of the verb action. For example,‘see, cast a glance, glance, stare, bird’s-eye view’, and so on. According to the survey, there are about 80‘po-ta’types of verbs in modern Chinese. So people in the communication can be carried out in accordance with the specific context of the different expression.Chapter three is an attempt scientifical to investigate the implication of classics Chinese lexical meaning. So, this paper will analysis the‘看’sublanguage, that is counterpart in Korean language‘po-ta’, on the basis of lexical semantics.‘Po-ta’collocations are divided into‘conduct, acquisition, observation, consider’by semantic features in the last chapter. And then the thesis is to make comparison and analysis of the uses of the Korean verb‘po-ta’and the corresponding‘看’in Chinese.
Korean verb‘po-ta’;Chinese verb‘看’;cognitive linguistics;meaning quality;collocation