

A Research on the Techniques for Identifying Lithologic Stratigraphic Traps in the Southwest 3D Survey of Chaidamu Basin

Chen Haiqing
The Southwest Chaidamu 3D survey is located between Kunlun and Aerjinmountains in the south region of west Chaidamu basin, which had been proved to beone of the most promising areas in this basin. The survey area is situated at the edgeof the Basin. The sand bodies originated from Kunlun and Aerjin mountains are goodfor forming various kinds of lithologic stratigraphic traps. Nevertheless, the thinnessof oil-baring layers, severe facies change and the weak seismic or sonic responsescharacterized by this area are the geological factors that hinder the exploration oflithologic stratigraphic reserviors. And what is more, the lack of effective geophysicaltechniques and systematical research strategy is one of the most important reasons. Aiming at the geological characteristics and the current exploration situation inthe Southwest Chaidamu 3D survey area, lithologic stratigraphic reservioridentification and analysis work was conducted. During the research, thecontemporary tectonics and tectonic evolution had been studied to analyze arelationship between tectonics activity and lithologic traps fonm and development. The study of palaeo-structure not only provide the foundation for thestratigraphic sequence model building and, systems tract deposition model divisionand the establishment of facies classification, but importantly determine a favorablezone for the identification of lithologic and stratigraphic traps. An isochronous stratigraphic framework was established through the study ofsequence stratigraphy in the study area. The sequence developing at Tertiary in studyarea was divided into three Ⅱ sequences and sevenⅢsequences. Several favorablelithologic stratigraphic zones had been found and determined variable traps to makeclearly next research. Different sedimentary facies types had been found through studying sedimentaryfacies. The various cycles of reservoirs distribution and reservoirs nature had beendetermined and then provided evidence for finding high quality good reservoir. The identification techniques and methods had been studied for lithologicstratigraphic traps to establish models of identification and analysis for SouthwestChaidamu Basin exploration basing on geophysical analysis. And the better effect hadbeen obtained in practice. The targets had been optimized to provide drilling suggestion basing onfavorable zones and lithostratigraphic traps evaluation. The better effect and economiceffect had been achieved through drilling. Several innovations had been obtained through studying the project. 1 the theory and methods of "four determinations and one optimization" hadbeen proposed first theorically for lithostratigraphic strata study. In this project research, the theory of "four determinations and one optimization"had been first proposed theorically for lithologic traps study through analyzinglithologic stratigraphic trap geologic features, geophysical characteristics and seismicidentificaiton and analysis combining with traps geologic evaluation, which areconsisted by ancient structural analysis to determine trap favorable development areas,sequence stratigraphics study to determine the vertical favorable areas, sedimentaryfacies to find reservoir development law, seismic technology to identify and determinetraps and comprehensive evaluation and target optimization. Compared with conventional lithological trap identification methods, the methodof "four determination and one optimization" is to analyze ancient structure which isessential for lithologic reservoirs exploration. The results obtained in the practicalapplication were very good. During palaeo-structure study, the strata dip correction had first been proposed torecover the true strata thickness. At the same time the strata erosion thicknessrecovery method was first used to make maps of palaeo-structure in SouthwestChaidamu Basin. At present the sets of palaeo-structure maps had become essentialbasic maps and played an important role in ithostratigraphic reservoirs study. 2 four identificaiton models had been estabished first and the correspondingtechniques and methods had been developed. During the project implementation, on the basis of study of geologic features oflithologic stratigraphic traps, four identification models had Been establishedaccording to sedimentary enviornment, traps types, main controlling factors andgeophysical features. Each model had been used to identify and analyze thelithostratigraphic traps and the specific technique had been built for lithologic trapsidentificaiton. Four technical series had been developed,which are seismic reservoirprediction based on multiwavelet seismic trace decomposition, prediction of highquality reservoirs with great thickness and good physical property, fan bodiesidentification and shape configuring combining ancient structural analysis withseismic fades analysis, stratigraphic overlap line coherence strengthening andpea.k(trough) number technique and quantitative analysis of glutenite thickness.Among these techniques, the fan bodies identification and shape configuringcombining ancient structural analysis with seismic facies analysis and stratigraphicoverlap line coherence strengthening and peak(trough) number technique were firstdeveloped and used. The seismic reservoir prediction based on multiwavelet seismictrace decomposition, prediction of high quality reservoirs with great thickness andgood physical property were also first used and proposed. 3 The significant exploration results had been otained through the techniquesapplication. The drilling results were great. In the project study and application, the rich geologic results and betterexploration effects had been obtained. In 2009 an oilfield with predicted reserves ofhundred million ton, which had been found in Kunbei area in Chaidamu Basin shouldbe contributed to lithologic and stratigraphic oil and gas reservoir studies, its reservewas accountedfor 43% of total reserves. The theory and methods of "four determinations and one optimization" proposedin the project had not only been applied best to the area, but also to the west of theBasin and the margin of north Basin, which had showed a good promotional value. In the project study and application, the rich geologic results and betterexploration effects had been obtained. There were 137 lithostratigraphic traps havingbeen found in Southwest Chaidamu Basin 3D area with traps area of 946.41cm2. Theproposed well were 72, among which 53 wells were adopted, and 23 wells had drilledindustrial oil. The wells aimed had increased from 2-3 planed in 2006 to 27 planed in2009, which was occupied from 13.3% to 70%. At same time when the project studied, the new discovered trap area was 94km2,the predicted hydrocarbon reserves was 5376×104t,the new controlled areabearing-hydrocarbon was 67.lkm2, the new controlled reserves was 3566×104t,thenew proven oil-bearing area of 44.85km2 and proven reserves was 2038.08×104t. This research project achieved the expected goals.



Marine Geophysics

Liu Huaishan


